As a thank you for stopping by my website, I would like to offer you a free gift:  "Teacher Jules' Top Tips - Learning is Fun!"   

It's a great guide if you are new to learning or haven't studied in a while (the first page is shown below).  If you would like this in a different language please let me know. 

Thank you!

Teacher Jules' Top Tips

Welcome to my website! I'm glad you're here. Please feel free to grab a cup of tea and browse around. If you have any questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to chat with the Website Host Chat Bot (she's on her way) or contact me at I'm here to help in any way I can.


WONDERFUL NEWS!   I have been awarded English Tutor of the Year by GoStudent!!


Video Transcription:

Hi! My name is Julie Farrell but I am known as "Teacher Jules" and it is lovely to see you here at my website.

I have created a welcoming and safe space for everyone.

If you have tried English and you have found it impossible - Don't Give Up! I've got some really good news for you: there's more than one way of learning English! In fact, if you have a chance to read (it) I have blog which explains that there are at least 7 ways of learning English. Everyone is different and if you have tried to learn at school or at college or university or online and you just think, "I just don't get this" part of what I do is to help you find that key to unlock your learning potential. So that you can get that job that you wanted and you can excel in your exams for your English!

I've got this wonderful quote which I'm going to read to you, and it's from a person called Ole Ivor Lovaas and it says this: "If they can't learn the way that we teach, we teach the way that they learn" and what that means is when you go to college or university, you get taught the same way as everybody else does and that doesn't work for everyone, it works for a lot of people but not everyone.

Here, at Rainbow QUILTBAG I will help to find which is the best way for you and you also, if you know English fairly well, but are stuck on a few things that you need some help with, we can do it your way, we can find things that you want to learn about.

I am not bound by a school or a governing body or anything like that, I'm a one-to-one teacher if you've got the desire to learn English: I've got the passion to teach you!

Please spend time having a look around the website. It will tell you about my hobbies and my interests and my qualifications. In English, I have a Teaching English as a Foreign Language (certificate) and I passed that with Merit and it will also give you some examples of how I teach.

There is a student that I have from Syria who has now moved to the United Kingdom but he never had any schooling when he was a child, so he never learned how to learn. After about 3 months or so he is starting to learn English and the change in him from somebody who really couldn't integrate into society because he couldn't understand English, he couldn't speak English, he's now, he's smiling more and his whole personality has changed, just because he's beginning to learn English and understand and integrate!

English is amazing! It's a beautiful language to learn but a very difficult one so if you have any questions at all, please come and ask me and even if you want to come and practise your English and have a cup of tea with me - you are most welcome! Cheers!!

I hope to see you soon!

Bye now, and thank you!!


This quote from Ole Ivar Lovaas is The Rainbow QUILTBAG's motto!

There is more than one way to learn English.

I am here to help you find YOUR way and find the key to unlock your full potential!


Are you struggling to learn English?

Feeling discouraged by traditional methods? Are your classes so big that you can’t get the help that you need?

Fear not! There's more than one path to mastering English, and I'm here to guide you every step of the way.

Personalized Approach:

Discover YOUR Way to Learn English! Every student is unique, and I specialise in helping learners who have, in the past, felt bored, scared, or defeated. With my patient and caring guidance, you'll find the perfect learning style that suits you best.

Your Gateway to Success - English for Career and Study:

In today's globalised world, English is essential for communication and professional growth. Don't let language barriers hinder your dreams! Whether it's excelling in academics or acing job interviews, I've got you covered.

Tailored for UK Curriculum Success:

If you're studying under the UK Curriculum, from KS1 to KS2, SATs to 11+, my expertise is at your service. As an approachable, relaxed, and encouraging tutor, I create lessons that meet YOUR needs, helping you shine in every aspect of English education.

Embrace British Culture and Confidence:

Planning to move to the UK? Let me be your cultural compass! Learn the ins and outs of British life, from money systems to social norms. Gain the confidence to thrive in your new environment.

Motivated to Succeed? Let's Talk!

If you're ready to embark on an exciting English journey, let's have a chat. Together, we'll chart your course to fluency and unleash your true potential!

Don't let language barriers or large class sizes hold you back any longer. Start your transformative English learning experience today!


Book a FREE 15-minute consultation!

I work as a Freelance Tutor so my schedule very changes quickly!  Please contact me at and we can arrange a good time and day for your consultation.  Thank you!!

Still unsure whether Rainbow QUILTBAG English is right for you?  Come and have a chat with me! 

I offer a totally FREE 15-minute friendly consultation where you can get to know me better and I we can discuss your English learning goals and desires.  

Don't worry there will be no "hard sell" or pushing you in to making a quick decision.  That's not the way I do business!  😀

Please kindly read the Terms and Conditions and Private Policy at the bottom of the page before booking.  Thank you!


So what happens in our first lesson?

Our first lesson is a great way to get to know each other.

I'd love to know what really sparks your interest or what hobbies you enjoy. Are there any areas in English that you need more help with?  I will build our classes around things that you enjoy doing and what YOU need to learn.  No two lesson plans are the same because your individual needs are at the heart of every session.

Not everyone learns in the same way.  Part of what I do is to help you find your own way and unlock your true potential.

I teach students who are learning English as a second (or other) language and those who are working on the UK Curriculum in their schools.  My students are of all ages and abilities from the UK and around the world!  I have completed courses on Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) and Dyslexia.  All students are warmly welcome!

All our lessons are recorded and you will receive a copy of this recording after each class.  This will be a helpful reminder of what we did and a good way to review what we learned in our lessons.

I will also send you the teaching material that we have used in class so you can go back to this at any time.

How do we have our lessons?


We will meet for our classes on Zoom.

I am a qualified Nearpod tutor and may use Nearpod during our Zoom lessons to enhance the class.

You may choose if you would like 30-minute or 60-minute lessons and how often you would like to have them.

You may choose if you would like to have ‘homework’.  I prefer to use the term ‘grounding your learning experience’ as you revisit and practice, in your own time, the things we have covered our lesson.  My students often tell me that this approach helps them learn faster and retain the information much better. So, it's totally up to you whether you want to give it a try and supercharge your learning experience!

Book a 15-minute consultation today. It's 100% FREE!

Here are two videos showing my teaching style.

My student is a Syrian refugee who did not have a formal education when he was a child.  He had been in the UK for 2 years but struggled to understand English or integrate into British society.  When I was asked to help him I discovered that he didn't know the English alphabet.  The first video shows his improvement in about 2 months.  He's still improving and doing well!

The second video shows learning some vocabulary that was helpful for him to be part of his local community.  He loves to play football!  😀





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Abdul's Community Sponsorship Group:

*I gave Abdul a lift today. Throughout the journey he was pointing out road signs as we went along, offering to name the colours of the traffic lights, naming letters on something he found in the car. A breakthrough!

*You have a talent for teaching online and I am amazed by your ability to find such a wide range of good resources.

*He’s really doing well at the moment and is trying much harder to communicate.

*He has grown in confidence as a result of your input and has been applying for all sorts of work on the community Facebook page.

*A huge thanks Julie, I can’t tell you what a relief it is for us to see him cracking on with his life.

*This may well be the most successful experience of learning he has had in his entire life! Brilliant Julie!

And more ...

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About Me

Hi. My name is Julie Jules.
Welcome to my landing page!

I live in Devon, UK.
I am passionate about helping people to improve their English so they can achieve their personal goals and academic success.

I love going for long walks in the Devonshire countryside and enjoy all sorts of crafts such as crochet, knitting, sketching, painting and photography.

I am also passionate about looking after people's pets when they go away on holiday.  I often combine pet/house sitting with my online tutoring!

I am 59 years young!

TEFL Teaching Owl

My Qualifications

English Level: Native Speaker

Accent: Neutral British

Experience:  I'm a private tutor, and I also do some freelance work with Cambly and GoStudent. With around 2,000 hours of online teaching experience under my belt, I'm really passionate about helping students like you excel in their learning journey.

Apart from teaching, I've had quite a diverse background. I've worked in Customer Services, as a Legal Secretary, as a Carer/Nurse, and even served as a Minister of Religion. Each of these experiences has shaped me in unique ways and added valuable perspectives to my teaching approach.

So, whether we're diving into academic subjects or exploring various aspects of life, I'm here to support you every step of the way! Let's make learning an exciting adventure together!

Qualifications: Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) Advanced 120 hours and passed with Merit. O-Level English Language and Literature, Enrolled Nurse (Mental), NVQ Level 2 in Customer Services, NVQ Level 3 in Business Management.  Teaching young learners online with The British Council. Level 3 Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and Level 3 Dyslexia.

Education: I attended school up to the 6th form (as it was called in days gone by).  I have always enjoyed learning and always keep my knowledge and understanding up to date.  I am currently learning about AI!

Other: I have been safeguarding courses and have an Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Certificate.


114 (2018_05_29 08_11_00 UTC)


Turkey - Aged 6

Lovely artwork and a great story.  You are creating a completely different program according to Alya's age.  I am watching you with admiration.  Your job love inspires me.

130 (2018_05_29 08_11_00 UTC)


Saudi Arabia - Aged 15

Thank you, teacher.  I am very, very happy today with the lesson!

105 (2018_05_29 08_11_00 UTC)


From Syria living in the UK - Aged 30

Your lessons are much better than the local College!  I understand more.

Limited Times Available

Please contact to book your consultation.

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Helpful hints to bridge the learning gap!